Tempura Squash Blossoms

I found these beautiful squash blossoms at Maple Acres farm in Pennsylvania last weekend and had to get them. They are so simple and delicious. Try and cook them the day you buy them, before they wilt.

What you need:

About 10 squash blossoms
1/3 cup flour
1/2 tsp kosher salt
Club soda
Neutral oil for trying

Cream cheese (Optional — if you plan to fill them!)

To clean the squash blossom, carefully cut off the very bottom of the flower (opposite end the orange blossom) and remove the stamen (that long pistil inside the flower). Fill a bowl with cold water and gently rinse them to remove any dirt. The ones I bought were incredibly clean but this is a good step to complete in case there are any little bugs or dirt inside. Lay them on a clean dish towel to dry off and mix the batter. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and salt then slowly add club soda a little bit at a time until it resembles a thick pancake batter. If you want to fill them, carefully fill the hollowed inside with cream cheese. Heat the oil over medium high heat in a sauce pan (the oil needs to be about one inch deep - you really don’t need much). After about 2 minutes, the oil will be hot. Dip the squash blossoms in the batter and immediately put them in the hot oil. After about one minute, carefully turn them over using tongs to fry the other side. Once they are golden, remove them from the oil and place on paper towel. Eat immediately while they’re hot!
